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"I enjoy acting because… well to tell you the truth when I’m up on stage, I can be a different person,

one that people admire.  Acting makes me feel special."   

                                                                                                                                   Pedro Martinez, age 13

cummings m.s.

deborah salazar - director

(956) 548-8630

cummings one act play selections

2016    Cinderella Wore Combat Boots

2015    Uncool

2014    Once Upon A Playground

2013    Dear Papa

2012    A Toby Show

2011    The Yellow Boat

2010    Nathan the Nervous

2009    Wings

2008    The Ugly Duckling


Individual Awards - 2015

Krystal Urestie - Beth                    All Star Cast                Uncool

Frida Sanchez – Jenny                 All Star Cast                Uncool

Leonardo Ledezma - Todd            H. M. All Star Cast        Uncool       



Individual Awards - 2014

Jennifer Gomez – The Girl            All Star Cast            Once Upon a Playground

Sherlyn Gallegos –Tootie Shoe   H. M. All Star Cast    Once Upon a Playground

Ernest Flores – Ford Moore         H. M. All Star Cast    Once Upon a Playground       

Combat Boots1
Cummings Scene2
Cummings Scene
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