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/hs directors

policy / schedules / forms

the bisd department of fine arts was created to maintain an environment that ensures that all fine arts students will preserve the rich heritage of artistic practice through intellectual studies, performances, and exhibits in the areas of instrumental music, choral music, visual arts, theatre arts, and dance.  we ensure that every member of this fine arts community will reach a high level of excellence as determined by state and national standards.  we commit to a comprehensive system of support that offers the necessary skills, stimulates thinking, and enables students to thrive in a changing world.


            2016 - 2017 policy guidelines

bisd theatre arts handbooks


Juniors & Seniors

University Audtions:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Auditions at PSJA North

[click logo below]

hs oap operating schedule


August 15        Official Day to contact judges


October 1        Deadline for submitting OAP 

                         Enrollment Cards for High Schools –



November 1    Last Day for holding OAP Directors’

                         planning meeting


December 14  Deadline for requesting permission

                         to produce plays not on the

                         Approved List and request special



February 1     Last Day for setting up High School

                         OAP Meets online


February 22   Deadline for Title of Play Entry due


March/April    Zone, District, Bi-District, Area and

                        Region contests are held


April                 State OAP Contest – Austin, TX


May 31            Deadline for District OAP Planning

                        Meeting; vote on items for following

                        year: List for Zone & District Judges

                        due at meeting from each competing

                        school Contest Manager approved






south texas theatre auditions

uil one act play

additional Information:

Timothy L. Jones

Theatre Arts Advisor

Department of Fine Arts

708 Palm Blvd.

Brownsville, TX 78520

(956) 698-3730 - Office

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